San Jacinto College Students

Modern Languages


As people become more connected worldwide, companies are looking for candidates who can speak multiple languages. Choose from Spanish, French, German, or Chinese and take your career to the next level. You can choose modern language courses to meet the requirements of an Associate of Arts degree. 

Program at a Glance

Career Opportunities

With a degree in modern language, you can find a career in:

  • International business
  • Education
  • Government
  • Nonprofits

Earning Potential



Communications, AA - Modern Languages

This Associate of Arts degree prepares you to transfer to a 4-year college or university. By graduation, you will be able to read, write, listen, and communicate in the language you are studying. While we don’t have a degree in Modern Languages, you can enroll in 6 hours (2 classes) of modern language courses as part of your Associate degree.
Length 2 Years
If you're studying full-time, you can complete the 60 credits for this program in four terms.
Hispanic Culture Club

Hispanic Culture Club

Central Campus
Build on what you learn in the classroom by joining the Hispanic Culture Club. Learn about Hispanic food, people, celebrations, and more through an immersive experience. The club meets every-other Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in room C-3.225.

Want to Know More?

Get more information on courses and events.
Flag poles
Learn more about the Modern Language Department and your classes.
Student Spanish Online Classes
Get information on our hybrid or all online Spanish classes.

Contact Us

Have questions? Reach out to one of our faculty members.
Jon Nelson
DC, Engl and Modern Languages
(281) 998-6150x7507
Todd Allison
Dept Ch, Arts/Comm/Phys Educ
(281) 998-6150x1376
Kayla Logan
DC, English/Modern Lang/Speech
(281) 998-6150x3182